beautiful Wild Rainbow

Minimizing the Harm

It is the responsibility of every angler to acknowledge that catching fish is a harmful action to the fish.

Understanding the survival rate after release is the first thing to learn before outing.

Minimizing the damage is the angler’s responsibility and appreciation for the fish we enjoy playing with.

Barbless singles minimize the damage to the fish’s mouth and is also an additional fun-factor that enhances game performance of trout fishing.

Barbless offer higher penetration rate compared to barbed hooks especially with a finesse-powered rod.

There will be ideal barbless single hooks available in the US market in the near future.

Wild Brown Trout

The use of soft rubber net minimizes damage to the layer of body slime that protects them from fungal and bacterial infections.

The slime also functions as a slip agent against water, so they can swim right to live in the water with minimal friction…

Slime’s importance is equal to that of human skin.

Kamloops Trout

The moment of fighting the fish is truly a joyous one,  but it’s essential to keep in mind that exhaustion has a significant effect on the survival rate after the release, releasing a fish may not guarantee its survival.

Fish rocketing out of the net and hands are good sign to gauge proper C&R, it’s also an observing assessment for the angling skill.

Using the right rod for the target fish size can shorten the fight time and minimize fatigue.

Underpowered rod + long fight = death sentence, simple formula that is.


The wild trout population is declining, and anglers are responsible for minimizing the harm as much as possible for future generations and ourselves.

Trout bfs method produces too many bites, individual’s moral, ethics and the proper C&R guideline need to be set before the boom starts.

Before social media brag takes precedence in this modern society.

Pro-minded anglers practice learning proper catch and release techniques each outing.

Handling aggressive muscular trout is very difficult and require knowledge and experience.

We know that proper C&R scene is as cool as landing with short fight-time.

Learning never gets old.

Barbless Single Hook and Soft Rubber Net
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