Will I find pleasure in Trout BFS?

Will I Find Pleasure in Trout BFS?

Some thoughts to share if you find interest in this method of fishing.

Just in case if “trout” reminds those stocked fish, wild fish are completely different species, they are extremely clever, hard to catch and cosmetically very artistic.

Trout bfs method is highly recommended to fly anglers as an additional method for windy days.

There are many days bfs angler becomes completely alone on the field when wind gust reaches 20 mph+ and surface disturbance decreases fish’s wariness… they bite better.

Safety first, of course and always.


If you enjoy the casting part of fly fishing, then trout bfs offer a completely different side of casting mechanism and pace that some fly anglers may find highly interesting.

Also, bfs method expands fishable fields because compact rods can cast in tight places even when standing under a tree or between tall brushes.

Fly experts already have high knowledge of trout habits and behavior, adding speedy lure method to your presentation adds different layer of fun.

Trout love chasing fast-moving minnows even when there’s absolutely zero hatch on the entire river.

Bass anglers have the advantage of conventional casting skill and knowledge of a hardbait.

Many fun aspects of bass fishing can be found in trout bfs.

Using your instinct to read the current, image contour, hike and wade, your angling skill and human mobility clearly reflects the result.

Rawness and roots of trout angling provides distinctly different feel from today’s high-tech advanced fishing.

It’s a game of challenging one’s skill against mother nature on your foot carrying limited equipment.

In fact, dynamics of bass fishing never get old and rawness of fly fishing is an art of fishing, trout bfs is another method that is very unique and fun.

If you are adventurist who enjoys hiking for hours, climbing, and bushwhacking to find treasure in the wildness, this game will be a great addition to your trip.

Wading alone (safely) in breathtaking rivers and creeks to meet one of the most beautiful freshwater species that live in wild environment, a speechless moment in one’s life and rewarding.

Bushy River in Eastern Sierra
River in Western Sierra

Fortunately, there’s minimal information available on the digital world about wild trout, they are kept safe in deep mountains and forests.

The treasure is out there, up to one’s adventurous skill.

Play hard in wildness, fatigue, slip, fall and getting dirty, surrounded by bugs, catching beautiful fish in breathtaking scenery, trout bfs bring angler back to pure kid once again no matter how well we aged today.

**Trout bfs isn’t recommended if you are severely allergic to mosquito**

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